Meet the Photobiomodulation/LLLT Doctor

Dr SS Parmar 2018

The economic impact of MSK chronic pain is substantial. In Australia, around 3 in 10 people are affected by these conditions, causing illness, pain, and disability and accounted for a significant portion of disease burden in 2022, trailing only cancer.

Chronic pain is common in Australia. One in 5 Australians aged 45 and over are living with persistent, ongoing pain. This pain can be disabling and stressful, making it hard for a person to work and do the things they enjoy. More people are seeing their general practitioner (GP) for chronic pain. GP visist for chronic pain don’t necessarily reflect the burden of musculoskeletal problems in the wider community with sufferers often presenting directly to other allied health practitioners such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, myotherapists, acupuncturists and massage therapists to seek relief for these complaints.

Dr Parmar has received internationally accredited training in Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)/Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) based on research undertaken by Harvard Medical School. She was an attendee at the biannual World Association for photobiomoduLation Therapy (WALT) conferences held in Queensland in 2012, and  Washington DC in 2014 and a presenter at the 2018 conference held in Nice, France where she was a Speaker and Chair. Dr Parmar presented a workshop to other clinicians on PBMT (Photobiomodulation Therapy) in the Clinical Setting. Dr Parmar was also a Presenter at the North American Association for photobiomoduLation Therapy (NAALT) in August 2018. In September 2023 she presented her expertise at the 29th interntional conference of WALT. Dr Shikha Parmar was once again invited to be a plenary speaker on her area of expertise – how to apply the science & theory of PBM to the patient, to effect healing & recovery hence alleviating chronic pain & suffering.  he highlighted how our unique treatment approach at Laser Pain Therapy achieves this & discussed what underpins our successful treatment outcomes. 

As a family doctor I would be faced several times a day with patients with musculoskeletal pain which may not be the main reason for their visit to me. My standard answer would be to prescribe pain-killers to provide temporary relief, knowing these may carry side-effects and would not address the underlying cause of the problem. Patients had often failed to gain relief from other modes of physical therapy and I would feel helpless at not being able to offer definitive management of their pain stemming from injury or inflammation.

So learning about the healing benefits of infra-red light through Low Level Laser Therapy was extremely exciting and welcome. After completing internationally recognised training in this innovative, but established and not so new field of medicine, I began treating patients with this therapy. Initially I was surprised and delighted with the results, not nearly as much as my patients, but quickly began to expect speedy resolution of their symptoms. I feel this is the way forward in managing musculoskeletal pain. This form of non-invasive therapy has become main-stream and widely accepted  in the UK, Europe, parts of Asia, and North and South America and finally, now, here in Australia in the fields of musculoskeletal disease, skin conditions and post-cancer treatment complications.

Apart from family medicine, Dr Parmar (LLLT Doctor) has been involved in teaching at Melbourne University for the medical degree, education of General Practice Registrars, a medical examiner for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and a medical assessor with Health Workforce Assessment Victoria, for overseas trained doctors applying to work in Victoria.

We do not claim we can help everyone but endeavour to validate patient concerns and provide advice in a respectful, caring environment. It is our privilege and we take very seriously the task of helping sufferers of chronic musculoskeletal pain address their condition with a safe, non-invasive, proven, affordable and medically supervised treatment plan. We offer a holistic approach to chronic pain management combining the approach with state-of-the-art medical grade, leading edge equipment. We strive to provide a positive experience and treat patients with emapthy and compassion.

Her interests include music, fitness, learning French, reading, and spending time with her family here and overseas.

Dr Shikha S. Parmar
MBChB (Auck.), DipPaed, DipObs, FRACGP


Britt H, Miller GC, Charles J, Henderson J, Bayram C, Pan Y, Valenti L, Harrison C, O’Halloran J, Fahridin S 2010. General practice activity in Australia 2009-10. General practice series no. 27. Cat. no. GEP 27. Canberra: AIHW. 


South Yarra, Victoria
Suite 8, 200 Toorak Road
(Ground floor from William St)
South Yarra, Vic 3141
Ph: 03 8529 2225
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Map Location

Train: South Yarra Station, 100m, 1 minute walk
Tram: Route 58, stop  no. 127

Easy off-street free parking:
If driving you will find many free 1P and 2P spots on and around Toorak Rd near the clinic.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to helping our patients with the most technically advanced, proven and affordable medical therapies. Our treatment modalities offer evidence-based, safe, non-invasive and painless solutions to improve health, well-being and quality of life.


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